Understanding elder abuse
Here you will find a range of information and resources on this topic. To find more click through to the relevant section.
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Latest News in topic "Understanding elder abuse"
Useful Resources in topic "Understanding elder abuse"
Updated eLearning: Abuse of the older person
Are you a health professional or aged care worker? You can access free online training from OPAN to learn more about ab...
Briefing for the Education, Arts and Communities Committee Inquiry into elder abuse in Queensland
The Inquiry into elder abuse in Queensland was introduced into Parliament and referred to the Education, Arts and Commu...
Elder Abuse in Australia with Bev Lange
2GB radio talks to Bev Lange, Executive Officer of Elder Abuse Action Australia, about the widespread issue of elder ab...
How widespread is elder abuse in South Asian communities?
Listen to this SBS podcast in Hindi about Elder Abuse in Australia’s South Asian communities.
Assistant Minister for Social Security, Ageing and Women speech
Read the transcript of Minister Thwaites' speech to the UnitingCare Australia Leaders' Forum
Uncle Charlie King yarns on this issue of elder abuse
Tangiora Hinaki has a yarn with Uncle Charlie King, a Northern Territory elder, on the issue of elder abuse.
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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