“Ageism is stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment based solely upon age. When directed towards older people, it comes from negative attitudes and beliefs about what it means to be older.” EveryAGE Counts.
Ending ageism is the key to tackling elder abuse
Ageism underpins many of our policy failures in addressing the rights and dignity of older Australians.
Ageism in health advice
I am often frustrated by the ageism I witness in health messaging. This failure can end up causing unnecessary harm. Ngaire Hobbins, dietician and aged-care consultant
The damaging effects of impatience
Are you often treated impatiently by other people? It may constitute elder abuse, and you do not have to accept it.
The negative impact of ageism
Every one of us at every age is entitled to be treated fairly and enjoy the same opportunities.
When impatience is harmful
We all lose our patience now and then, but if you are impatient with an older person, you could be perpetrating elder abuse. Find out why patience is important.
Ageism Resources
Mathers House Story Project
Through the sharing of stories, Hobart’s Mather’s House celebrates the rich lives of elders in our communities.
Recipes for Respect
This book features stories and recipes by the older women who attended the Recipes for Respect workshop, part of The Bi...
OPAN Newsletters Archive
The OPAN library is available online and contains their newlsetters which report on issues that affect older people.
Age Discrimination Factsheets and Guides
A useful web page with a range of downloads and articles to help workers and employers understand age discrimination an...
Find a Service Provider

In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.