Photo of a man in a hospital gown in wheelchair

Is this common practice patient safety or elder abuse?

New research asks if two-hourly repositioning for prevention of pressure ulcers in the elderly is patient safety or elder abuse?

Published: 17 March 2025
  • national
  • 17 March 2025
  • Springer/UNSW

Sleep deprivation is well-documented as a serious health concern. Research from the University of New South Wales has already highlighted how another common aged care practice – repositioning residents every two hours to prevent bedsores – can cause severe agitation and distress, disrupting natural sleep rhythms.

The researchers describe this ongoing disruption as “unintentional institutional elder abuse.”

For decades, aged care facility residents at risk of pressure ulcers (PUs) have been repositioned at two-hour intervals, twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week (24/7). Yet, PUs still develop.

This UNSW research used a cross-sectional survey of eighty randomly selected medical records of residents aged ≥ 65 years from eight Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) to determine the number of residents at risk of PUs, the use of two-hourly repositioning, and the presence of PUs in the last week of life.

Despite 91 per cent (73/80) of residents identified as being at risk of PUs and repositioned two-hourly 24/7, 34 per cent (25/73) died with one or more PUs.

Behaviours of concern were noted in 72 per cent (58/80) of residents of whom 38 per cent (22/58) were restrained. Dementia was diagnosed in 70 per cent (56/80) of residents.

The prevalence of behaviours of concern displayed by residents with dementia was significantly greater than by residents without dementia (82 per cent v 50 per cent, p = 0.028).

The rate of restraining residents with dementia was similar to the rate in residents without dementia. Two-hourly repositioning failed to prevent PUs in a third of at-risk residents and may breach the rights of all residents who were repositioned two-hourly.

Repositioning and restraining may be unlawful. Rather than only repositioning residents two-hourly, we recommend every resident be provided with an alternating pressure air mattress.