Supported decision making
Here you will find a range of information and resources on this topic. To find more click through to the relevant section.
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Useful Resources in topic "Supported decision making"
The SA Office of the Public Advocate Fact Sheets
The SA OPA provides many kinds of decision-making assistance to individuals and families who are experiencing some kind...
Supported Decision-Making and My Life My Wishes project
This project aims to better understand and record the wishes of individuals with an appointed guardian.
Supported decision-making videos
View 5 videos on this page, all to help you understand supported decision making.
Substitute Decision-Maker Toolkit
The aim of this resource is to give Substitute Decision-Makers helpful tools and resources to carry out their role.
Promoting the human rights of people living with dementia
This report explores how supported decision-making can promote the human rights of people living with dementia.
Supported decision making
Helping people to make their own decisions - a guide for adults and those supporting them.
Find a Service Provider

In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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