Senior woman looking away

Respect Older People: Call to address ageism and sexism to prevent elder abuse

Published: 7 June 2022

The thing that has amazed me about getting older is the lack of understanding that we do have ideas, can contribute, are interested in what’s happening in our world. You’re not asked to give an opinion when you would love to.” – Helen, Respect Older People: ‘Call It Out’ campaign.

Respect Victoria is proud to relaunch the Respect Older People: ‘Call It Out’ campaign with a story of respect, connection and equality.

The campaign encourages Victorians to learn about elder abuse, and work together to prevent it from happening.

Similarly to other forms of family violence and violence against women, elder abuse is driven by rigid, outdated stereotypes and the condoning of discrimination or violence against older people.

Up to 14% of older people in Australia experience elder abuse, with older women experiencing higher rates of violence.

The Respect Older People campaign asks Victorians to unpack how ageism and sexism may be present in their homes, communities or workplaces, and suggests practical steps that we can all take to prevent elder abuse.

Find out more about Helen and Oliver’s story and learn about elder abuse and the steps you can take to prevent it.