Legal & financial
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Useful Resources in topic "Legal & financial"
Legal Fact Sheets: Chemical and mechanical restraint and use of physical force in aged care
These Fact Sheets and Videos are part of the Aged Care Justice Australia’s commitment to reduce the misuse of restricti...
The Boutique Lawyer Show: The need for collaboration in elder law matters
This legal podcast discusses elder abuse and how the law and lawyers can address issues with more training and upskilli...
Information Directory for Ageing Well in Unley
Looking after your body and mind can prevent many diseases and keep you healthy, happy, and engaged with the world as y...
Handy numbers for seniors
This downloadable booklet contains useful contacts for older Queenslanders.
Accessing Information and Support
This study explored the experiences of older adults who seek information about services and support.
Older people’s financial wellbeing and preferences: September 2024
This report presents results from the financial module of the National Seniors Social Survey.
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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