In this article Australian Television Presenter Melissa Doyle discusses ageist attitudes and says "Let’s redirect our rage away from the mirror and towards ageism.”
We start ageing from the minute we are born. The more time we have, the more we learn, celebrate, love and experience. That’s what makes ageing so glorious. So why do we fear it so much?
Ageism has such an insidious impact on the lives of older women. Just look at the multibillion-dollar anti-ageing industry that sells us the idea that ageing is something to hide or rectify, and the fact that women over 55 are the fastest growing cohort of homeless people in Australia.
As a society, it’s important that we identify, protect and create more opportunities for women to age into the role of elders in our communities, families, workplaces and government institutions, so that we ensure women aren’t unfairly aged out of these spaces. To do this, we need to shift our rage towards the right things.