Catalyst Foundation and Kaurna Plains Children’s Centre are working together to create a fresh produce garden at the centre.
Catalyst Foundation Aboriginal Project Officer and Kaurna Plains Children’s Centre staff along with Aboriginal Elders and Community are working together to create a Community Produce Garden on the site of the Kaurna Plains Children’s Centre at 69 Ridley Road, Elizabeth.
This exciting project will give people an opportunity to learn about gardening, how to grow their own vegetables and fruits, support the community and reap all the benefits that gardening can bring to a person’s health and wellbeing:
It is known that gardening can have amazing effects on the mind, body, and soul
gardening gets you outside in the sunshine exercising
gets the mind working, learning new skills
mindfulness whilst gardening creates a calmness of the mind
Gardening produces healthy nutritious food and if you grow it yourself you are more likely to eat it, encouraging healthy eating habits.
This project will support social connections for community members and between the generations, gardening and learning together outside in the sunshine.
They are hoping to create a garden full of wonderful, healthy, fresh produce for the community, so get in touch to be part of this exciting new project!
Along the way they’ll will invite special guests to impart their knowledge and skills in gardening and will also be cooking up nutritious recipes from harvested produce.