Community involvement
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Useful Resources in topic "Community involvement"
Mathers House Story Project
Through the sharing of stories, Hobart’s Mather’s House celebrates the rich lives of elders in our communities.
Recipes for Respect
This book features stories and recipes by the older women who attended the Recipes for Respect workshop, part of The Bi...
Positive Ageing in Kaurna Country Communities through Traditional Foods, Medicines and Remedies
The project aimed to create awareness of the importance of retaining and collating information on Healing with Traditio...
Accessible and Crisis Veterinary and Petcare for Vulnerable Communities: A Community Conversation
This is a video of a presentation about how ACT organisations are supporting older pet owners and opening up the conver...
COTA Seniors Week Chatterbox
Getting to know people across generations sometimes needs a bit of a prompt, so we've created the COTA Seniors Week Cha...
Neighbours Every Day: 5 Tips to Share Belonging
Once you’ve created belonging for yourself, it’s important to consider how you can share this sense of connection with ...
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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