Intergen is a weekly activity currently running across five kindergartens in West Moreton, with two more about to start and five more sites waiting to come on board.
It involves seniors going into a kindergarten for two hours a week and doing whatever the children do. This could be reading books, playing games, or just talking and swapping stories about each other’s lives. One senior with the Intergen program had disclosed that she had difficulty getting out of bed most mornings as she has nothing to do but, the morning of her first Intergen visits, she could not wait to get out of bed and get to the kindergarten. Since this first visit, she has looked forward to being a part of Intergen each week. Other seniors have stated:
“You hope that you are making a difference because they are our future”. ‘You hope that when they go out into the big bad world that they will remember the values they are being taught”. “This is my second year doing Intergen, and I am now seeing the brothers and sisters of children from last year and there is one who waits at the gate for me each time”.