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Useful Resources in topic "Neglect"
Reportable Incidents: neglect
A fact sheet for providers of residential care and flexible care in a residential aged care setting
Leaving prison later in life: improving care of Australia’s older inmates
This article discusses the situation of older people in prison, who typically have multiple physical, mental and cognit...
Loneliness and isolation resources from Griefline
This website features a wide range of resources for people experiencing loneliness and isolation due to the loss of a l...
What is neglect and how to get help fact sheet
Older Australians can be at risk of neglect. This fact sheet explains what neglect is and how to get help.
What is neglect and how to speak up: Easy Read
This booklet explains what neglect is and what you can do about it if you need help.
#OkorNotOk Neglect
This short film is designed for frontline workers and shows real-life situations where elder abuse may be difficult to ...
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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