We are the peak body for the Western Australian community service sector. We believe that communities flourish where people are given the opportunity to contribute and create.

The Western Australian Council of Social Service has a vision for an inclusive, just, and equitable society.

Our purpose is to drive social change with communities through collective action and policy formulation, strengthening community services, and influencing decision makers to ensure justice and equity.

We are committed to enabling and leading change that supports healthy, active, and inclusive communities.

We advocate with, and on behalf of, those who are the furthest from levers of power and influence to amplify their concerns, their voices, and seek justice, to create a society that genuinely works for the benefit of all.

WACOSS challenges and develops alternative solutions to systematic structures, community priorities, and galvanises community support.

We also partner with the national Council of Social Service network, as one of nine peak councils of the community services sector across Australia, to ensure that there is a Western Australian perspective on the national stage.