Victorian Men’s Shed Association

We represent Men’s Sheds across Victoria and provide members a forum to exchange ideas, share resources and experiences, network and find support.

There are more than 335 sheds operating in Victoria. We promote the profile of Men’s Sheds and “shedding” activities to the Victorian community and represent the interests of Victorian Sheds to government, businesses, and community organisations. We also provide practical advice, assistance, and support for Sheds.

What are Men’s Sheds?

The backyard shed is a cultural icon in Australian history. A shed was a space in the backyard where men - grandfathers, fathers, and sons - would go to tinker, play, fix, repair, and make items. It’s where skills were learnt, reinforced and handed down through the generations. It was a bloke’s personal space, where they could teach, learn, talk and discuss, and solve the problems of the world.

The 1990’s saw the establishment of a number of community sheds that allowed for men who did not have their own shed to join with other men in a community-based facility to participate in shed activities.

These community sheds grew out of necessity - people down-sized their homes in retirement, moved into retirement villages or apartments and units, and no longer had the room to have their own shed. Today we know these facilities as Men’s Sheds.

Men’s sheds help to reduce the social loneliness, isolation, and depression caused through unemployment, retrenchment, retirement or other life changes. Sheds provide a safe and friendly community where men can talk, learn new skills, pass on their life skills and be involved in meaningful activities and projects.

Mateship and friendships are formed.

Activities are based on the skills and interest of the blokes who attend.

Wood working
• wooden toys, bird feeders, animal enclosures, cheese boards,
cutting boards or tool boxes for kindergarten and primary school students • making or repairing kitchen tables and chairs, cabinets, outdoor seating and tables, bookcases, blanket boxes, buddy seats, mud kitchens and coffins • Working with a lathe to produce pens, bowls, lamp stands etc
• The construction of garden beds for schools and other community groups.

Metal Working
• making or repairing animal enclosures, letter boxes,
garden hangers, gates, trailers, etc. • Working with a lathe to produce metal spindles or parts
• Vehicle repairs or restorations

Food Preparation
• Catering at fundraising events such as Bunnings BBQ’s
• Daily or weekly meals for shed attendees
• Shed events or functions – AGMs, Mothers Day, Xmas breakups 

• Landscape painting

Social Activities
• Snooker or 8 ball
• Card games
• Movie days
• Social excursions to places of interest
• Members nights or days

Health Activities
• Walking groups
• Cycling groups
• Exercise groups
• Health information talks