Tumut Regional Family Services
We try our best to help out in areas such as legal aid, specialist homelessness services, domestic and family violence services, women’s and children’s crisis accommodation.
Tumut Regional Family Services in NSW is a non-government organisation that steps in, when crisis arises. We’ll try our best to help out in areas such as legal aid, specialist homelessness services, domestic and family violence services, women’s/children’s crisis accommodation, transitional housing and wellbeing programs.
Tumut Regional Family Services offers homelessness services to those in need. Sometimes, unfortunate circumstances can mean that we no longer have a place to live. A number of situations can arise where we no longer have a safe place to live. Every human deserves the basic necessity of shelter. This is where we come in.
Unfortunately today domestic violence is not uncommon. There are various ways this can occur including physical harm, emotional and psychological abuse, sexual abuse and so on.
This has a hugely negative effect for victims, families, children and communities because of domestic violence.
Such as:
Breakdown in way family functions
Community conflict
Higher rates of drug/alcohol use
Fear, depression, anger and suicidal thoughts for victims.