Southern Communities Advocacy Legal and Education Services WA
Southern Communities Advocacy Legal Education Service provides free legal advice, information and representation to low income people living in the Kwinana and Rockingham area.
The Southern Communities Advocacy Legal and Education Service Inc. (SCALES) is a community legal centre and the site of the Murdoch University legal clinic and opened its doors in April 1997. SCALES was established by Murdoch University in partnership with the local community. SCALES runs a Clinical Legal Education unit and an Advanced Clinical Legal Education unit.
The clinical programs at SCALES are nationally recognised and are truly the jewel in the crown of the School of Law. Work at SCALES is very 'hands on', with students studying the operation of the legal system being responsible for real files and real clients.
SCALES provides free legal advice, information and representation to low income people living in the Kwinana and Rockingham areas. SCALES also provides a state wide service in the area of immigration. SCALES deals with clients predominantly in the following areas: criminal law; domestic violence; family law; public housing and tenancy; immigration and refugee law; Centrelink; criminal injuries compensation, equal opportunity claims, consumer, contract, debt and civil law.