Newcastle U3A

Newcastle U3A (NU3A) offer a range of courses from academic, skill, physically active and special interest classes for retired and semi-retired people.

U3A is a self-help international organisation, where retired and semi-retired people provide courses for each other. At Newcastle U3A (NU3A) our courses range from academic, skill, physically active and special interest classes, to relaxed social get-togethers.

The courses are diverse and can include foreign languages, music appreciation and practice, singing, elder law, astronomy, history, dance, historical walks and talks, philosophy, writing, environmental issues, travel, chess and other games, yoga, tai chi, family history research, computer and book groups. A range of one-off topics are offered in our Tuesday talks and we offer social events such as excursions, theatre attendance, monthly lunches and coffee mornings.

Most courses are held in central Newcastle (NSW) and surrounding suburbs with access to public transport. We have a classroom at Hamilton used for many small group courses. Venues are chosen to ensure we can comply with COVID restrictions. Some classes are held via Zoom on your computer, laptop or phone, or online, from home.