
Interreach has been working to strengthen and support communities and to improve the social and personal wellbeing of children, families, older people, carers and people with a disability.

For over 45 years, Intereach has been working throughout the Riverina Murray region of NSW and northern Victoria to strengthen and support communities and to improve the social and personal wellbeing of children, families, older people, carers and people with a disability.

At Intereach we support:

  • Aboriginal People
    Call us, or drop in for a chat. We listen to what's happening for you and your family, and then suggest some things that might help.

    All Intereach services welcome Aboriginal people and their family as an important part of the broader community, and can offer support aimed at meeting your specific needs.

    Our commitment:

    • We will listen to you;

    • We respect that local people and local community know best; and

    • We will be accountable to the community.

  • Carers
    Caring for someone can be a valuable and rewarding experience. It can also be stressful, hard work and may leave you feeling emotionally or physically tired. Carers can be family members or friends. They can be parents, children, siblings, grandparents or neighbours and can come from any background. The good news is that we can support you, whether it’s to represent your interests, help you take a break, stay fit and healthy or connect you with others.

  • People with disabilities
    As a person living with a disability, you deserve to live your life as an equal and valued member of the local community.

    Intereach work alongside you, your family and your carer to identify your dreams, goals and hopes, and put practical things in place to achieve this.

  • Families
    Families are the fabric of our communities. Sometimes, however, keeping your family healthy, happy and well can feel like the hardest job in the world.

    Intereach works with you as a parent or carer to build your skills, be strong and help take the stress out of caring for your children.

  • People with mental health
    Everyone deserves to realise their own potential, be able to cope with normal stresses of life, work productively and make a contribution to the local community.

    Intereach provides information and support to help you achieve your best possible mental health, whatever your age and wherever you live in the local region.

  • People 65+
    As you get older, sometimes you need a helping hand to stay independent.

    Intereach understands how important it is for you to stay living in your own home and to keep active in the local community.

    A range of support is available to people aged 65 and over (or 50 if you are Aboriginal) that is flexible, designed to suit you, and affordable.