Hunter Multicultural Communities

This helps CALD communities to live independently in their own home and to prevent early admission to permanent residential care.

Hunter Multicultural Communities Inc (HMC) is a non-profit public benevolent organisation serving established, new, emerging and established multicultural communities in the Hunter Region.

We provide social support and community programs for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), Multicultural communities and their carers from CALD backgrounds. This helps them to live independently in their own home and to prevent early admission to permanent residential care. In addition we engage with multicultural youth groups in a variety of projects to enable them to settle and feel part of the wider community. We provide education and awareness to the community on cultural diversity, and multicultural issues.

Our Vision is to maintain our position as the leading multicultural organisation in the Newcastle and Hunter Region providing health, wellness and cultural programs and support to promote a healthy, united, just and equitable multicultural society. Our Mission is to provide for the diverse needs of all people within existing, new and emerging multicultural communities in the Hunter Region.