Health Translations
An online library which enables health practitioners and those working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities to find free translated health information.
Health Translations is an initiative of the Victorian Government of Australia. The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) has been contracted by the Victorian Government to manage and improve the library.
Health Translations is a free online library of high-quality translated Australian health and wellbeing information.
Aimed at Australian health practitioners and people who work with culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the site provides quick access to reliable resources.
Health Translations aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We do this by providing health professionals and community members with reliable and up to date health and wellbeing information in over 100 languages.
The library links to multilingual resources published by Australian government departments, peak health bodies, hospitals, and community health and welfare organisations.
Health Translations continues to grow by organisations registering their translated health information. Our team is dedicated to expanding the library and actively source high-quality translated health information.
If you have a multilingual resource you would like linked to Health Translations, please register your resource.