GLBTI Rights In Ageing (GRAI)

We advocate for LGBTI elders; rights with governments; provide training in the aged care sector, and collaborate with researchers in order to increase the visibility and understanding of, and respect for GLBTI elders.

GRAI - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Rights in Ageing Inc was formed in Perth in 2005 to protect the rights and well-being of older LGBTI people.

We are a not-for-profit community-based organisation, working to ensure that older LGBTI people will be safe and welcomed wherever they are.

Since 2014, GRAI has delivered our ‘Right to Belong’ LGBTI inclusivity training to the aged care sector, as part of the federally funded National LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Training Project. We also offer a 3- part Community of Practice course to support organisations to link the Aged Care standards with a Rainbow Readiness framework and assess their organisations GLBTI inclusiveness in policy and practice.

In 2021 the Department of Social Services through the Seniors connected program established 10 Village Hubs across Australia. GRAI is delivering the only GLBTI Village Hub in Australia.

The Village Hub has three equally important components.

  1. Elders Advisory group

  2. GRAI social connecting events

  3. Befrienders program for vulnerable and at risk older GLBTI people

Befriending is a structured relationship between a befriender and a befriendee. Befriending relationships aim to be non-judgemental, supportive of the befriendee and confidential.

The Befriender coordinator has trained and supports a group of older GLBTI volunteers to provide a befriending service to vulnerable older GLBTI people. Older GLBTI people can be referred by organizations or self-refer and they will be matched to an appropriate peer GLBTI person.

Having fun is an important part of the relationship. Weekly connections and support is provided, with the aim of connecting the vulnerable person into the GLBTI communities via social events and expanding their networks.