EveryAGE Counts
Advocacy campaign aimed at tackling ageism, discrimination and stereotyping against older Australians across the country.
EveryAGE Counts is a national coalition of organisations and a grassroots campaign of individuals dedicated to highlighting the social, economic and civic impacts of ageism experienced by older people, and building an Australia that no longer tolerates it.
Our vision is “a society where every person is valued, connected and respected regardless of age”. We will achieve this by working in our communities to positively change thinking about ageing, to re-imagine getting older and to set the foundations for current and future generations to age well.
Ageism comes from widespread social acceptance of negative attitudes and beliefs about the value of older people and later life. Ending ageism can help us as older Australians enjoy opportunities to participate in our communities – socially, economically and as full citizens – and enjoy better physical health and longevity.
The EveryAGE Counts is an opportunity for you to end ageism by changing community attitudes to ageing. Your experiences and your voice can change Australia's attitudes towards ageing and older life by influencing the people around you.
Find out more by visiting the EveryAGE Counts website and taking the pledge to end ageism.