Elder Rights WA
Elder Rights WA (ERWA) is a state-wide holistic legal service delivered by Legal Aid WA.
Sitting within the Civil Law Division of Legal Aid WA, Elder Rights WA (ERWA) comprises a team of Lawyers and Social Workers with specialised knowledge and skills, working together to provide a holistic and wraparound service to seniors. ERWA assists people over the age of 65 years old and First Nations or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse clients who are 55 years or older. Legal Aid WA’s extensive network of regional offices and state-of-the-art virtual office locations provides access to the service for older people living in regional and remote areas of the state.
We provide advice and assistance regarding a range of legal concerns including:
Loans given to adult children or others
Money or debts owed by clients
“Granny flat” arrangements or other shared living arrangements
Problems arising from living arrangements, including when adult children move in and refuse to leave
Guarantors for loans/ mortgages for adult children
Violence, including physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse
Guardianship and Administration matters at the State Administrative Tribunal
Voluntary Assisted Dying laws
Legal advice and information on matters relating to planning for the future, such as:
Enduring Powers of Attorney
Enduring Powers of Guardianship
Advance Health Directives
Note: While our service does not prepare or write these documents, the advice provided at our service is very valuable in helping our clients to make appropriate decisions.
Other services we provide:
Representation in certain Guardianship and Administration matters in the State Administrative Tribunal
Information and community legal education
Referrals to specialist units within Legal Aid WA including Family Dispute Resolution Services and Domestic Violence Legal Unit
If you are unsure whether or not your experience involves a legal matter, Elder Rights WA can offer direction to helpful resources and referrals to appropriate services. Call the Legal Aid WA Infoline on 1300 650 579 to connect with the team. We offer appointments by telephone, virtual office, or face to face.