Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network

By working closely with health professionals, consumers, and carers using health-related data, we identify emerging community needs and gaps in the health care system.

Our commissioning plans are informed by our stakeholder engagement and the best evidence available in order to meet the diverse needs of our community.

Increasingly we are ‘co-commissioning’ – working together with partner organisations to develop new services that address these needs and gaps.

In all our work we contribute to the evidence about what works to improve health experiences and outcomes. For the most part, we don't deliver services but, rather, provide funding for services.

EMPHN invests in a range of initiatives to make a difference in our priority areas including:

  • chronic disease

  • aged care

  • mental health

  • alcohol and other drugs

  • digital health

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

  • immunisation

  • general practice support