Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is part of the Victorian Department of Justice & Community Safety, and provides free dispute resolution services to all Victorians.
The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is part of the Victorian Department of Justice & Community Safety, and provides free dispute resolution services to all Victorians.
We were established in 1987 and are a state-wide dispute resolution service which provides alternative dispute resolution for community disputes.
DSCV also provides a state-wide place-based community mediation service, as well as dispute resolution training through conflict resolution skills workshops and mediation training to national accredited standards.
We have a regional presence throughout Victoria with staff operating out of Department of Justice and Community Safety regional offices including Morwell, Ballarat, Geelong, Warrnambool, Horsham, Bendigo, Mildura, Shepparton and Wangaratta. Services are also provided in the Melbourne CBD and across metropolitan offices.
DSCV holds a significant state-wide program with the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria for the Personal Safety Intervention Order Program (PSIO). Parties involved in PSIO matters are referred to a DSCV staff member to provide onsite dispute resolution on the day of the hearing. This program has assisted to resolve a significant number of matters and has contributed to saving Magistrates Court time.