COTA Tasmania
Raises awareness of elder abuse and provides information to people working with older Tasmanians about prevention, responses and referral pathways.
COTA (Council on the Ageing) Tasmania is a small, not-for-profit organisation made up of a team of staff and volunteers who are passionate about advancing the rights and interests of Tasmanians as they age, particularly those aged over 50 years.
As the peak body representing older Tasmanians, we stand beside our community, listen to their concerns and work to ensure that their rights are upheld. We promote a positive view of ageing and challenge age stereotypes, foster inclusion and participation, and support independence and choice.
What we do:
For all older Tasmanians, particularly the vulnerable and disadvantaged.Education
Our volunteer peer educators deliver free information sessions across the state, including remote and rural areas, and offer one on one digital mentoring.Aged care navigation
A free, friendly and independent service to help you to understand and navigate the aged care system.Policy
Contributing to discussions at the highest level of government both locally and nationally.Consultation
Seeking out and listening to the concerns of older Tasmanians fromdiverse backgrounds.
Delivering Seniors Week, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, and year-round workshops and events that benefit older Tasmanians.