COTA SA provide a platform to ensure that older South Australians are part of decision-making by government and industry on everything from income and employment to housing and health.
We understand the value and trust that older people and the community place on our independence as the voice reflecting and representing older South Australians.
COTA SA is an older people's movement run by, for and with older people. We represent the aspirations, interests and rights of 633,000 older South Australians and are part of a national federation that began in SA in 1957. We use peer support and co-design methodologies, providing a platform for older people to be the drivers and shapers of the products, programs, services, research and technology that they use.
More than 100 volunteers support our work and we are actively involved in well over 200 seniors clubs and networks throughout SA. We work closely with partner organisations such as the Multicultural Communities Council SA, LGBTI Health Alliance, SA Retirement Villages Residents Association and the SA Residential Parks Residents Association to reach the rich and wide diversity of older South Australians.
We run an active policy agenda on a wide range of issues including housing, aged care, retirement income, health and well-being, cost of living, age discrimination and employment.
COTA SA offers many services and programs for older people including:
Strength for Life helping older people resume or start exercise through more than 90 gyms and community centres across SA
Get connected with our COTA Visitors and COTA Social Connections teams
Let's Talk Aged Care for independent support and information around accessing and engaging with My Aged Care services. Click on the heading below to read more
Rainbow Hub, your one-stop-shop for all the programs, services, events and activities we have which are particularly focussed on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI) community
Share your insights and influence products and services through our social enterprise, The Plug-in