Bungree Aboriginal Association

Bungree’s purpose is to provide a wide range of funded programs and services that assist many of our vulnerable and isolated people and families such as our elderly and frail, people with a disability, children, youth and families.

Bungree Aboriginal Association is a Central Coast Aboriginal Community based organisation, which provides a wide range of services to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people residing on the Central Coast of New South Wales.

We have been operating as a registered not for profit organisation since 7th July 1995 and has been providing services to children, families, the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged for over 20 years.

Bungree is the largest Aboriginal not for profit organisation on the Central Coast and currently employs approximately 35 permanent and casual field employees. We operate and deliver 28 funded programs and services to the Central Coast, Newcastle and Upper Hunter.


  • provides services for Aboriginal people across the Central Coast region

  • is one of the largest Aboriginal not for profit organisations on the Central Coast and currently employs approximately 35 staff

  • is one of the largest Aboriginal providers of housing on the Central Coast

  • is recognised as one of the most successful providers of Aboriginal social services in the Central Coast

  • is a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)