Bobby Goldsmith Foundation

Australia's oldest community based HIV organisation, providing client services and health promotion programs to people living with HIV in NSW and SA.

Founded in 1984, when a group of friends got together to give their dying mate Bobby Goldsmith the care he needed in the comfort of his home, BGF has gone on to provide that same individualised care to thousands of Australians.

And while HIV treatment has come a long way since 1984, the need for support remains.

Every week we’re seeing more and more people from diverse backgrounds walk through our doors. Young. Old. Gay. Straight. Male. Female. Every race. Every religion. Many of them isolated, all of them in need of support.

From the first generation to age with HIV, to a diverse new generation of people facing stigma within their communities reminiscent of the 80s - we’re here to help. For life.

BGF has no political or religious affiliations, just a deep-seated desire to help people live well on their terms through practical, tailored assistance.

We’re also an equal opportunity employer dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive workplace and services.

And last but not least, we’re a registered not-for-profit. So every donation is tax deductible.

Together we can ensure no one has to face HIV alone.