Better Place Australia
Counselling and mediation services in family disputes, child safety, mental health, property and financial matters. Delivering consultancy and training services.
Better Place Australia is there to support Victorians during their times of struggle. It’s there when people are feeling alone, exposed, vulnerable, wondering how to navigate their way through their life’s problems.
By working alongside people Better Place helps build resilience and resolve difficult personal situations, be it emotional or financial. Our purpose is to assist people through some of the difficult times of their lives and help them to move on, with better skills to deal with any future challenges, strengthened by positive changes.
We help people to:
Resolve and reconcile problems through mediation and dispute resolution services
Strengthen relationships through counselling services
Work through mental stress issues with supporting psychologists
Overcome financial difficulty through financial counselling services
Learn how to understand relationships, people and themselves better through education programs.
The dedicated practitioners at Better Place Australia work with individuals, couples and families at every relationship transition stage: budding, building and waning.
We put children first. We know that when the unique needs, concerns and preferences of a child are considered outcomes are more sustainable, better respected and much more satisfying for all.