Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)

The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) acts to reduce poverty and inequality and is the peak body for the community services sector in Australia. It was formed in 1956.

ACOSS aims to reduce poverty and inequality by leading and supporting initiatives within the community services and welfare sector. We act as an independent, non-party-political voice

We draw on the direct experiences of people affected by poverty and inequality and the expertise of its diverse members. This helps us to develop and promote socially and economically responsible public policy and action by government, community, and business.

We believe that no one should have to live in poverty and that all people should be treated with dignity and respect and we're committed to the full realisation of human rights.

We value diversity and work inclusively.

We support self-determination for Australia’s first peoples.

We want a sustainable future for all.

The ACOSS national member network is comprised of:

  • 8 state and territory Councils of Social Service which represent thousands of front-line community agencies

  • 79 National Organisation Members

  • 6 National Constituency Organisation Members (representative bodies)

    Many individuals as well as state and local organisations also support the work of ACOSS.