Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse WA
The Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Western Australia (APEA:WA) is a high-level policy group led by Advocare.
APEA:WA was established to support inter-agency collaboration to prevent elder abuse in Western Australia.
The objectives of the group are to raise awareness and understanding of Elder Abuse in Western Australia and facilitate Elder Abuse policy development.
Since inception APEA:WA has successfully:
raised awareness in WA of issues that surround elder abuse
influenced current attitudes, policies, and practices
contributed to research
ensured collaborations and networking across agencies
involved State Ministers at meetings
APEA: WA member organisations meet bi-monthly to work on key actions within the strategic plan. They include:
Council on the Ageing Western Australia
Department of Communities
Department of Health
Department Planning, Lands and Heritage
Disability Services Commission
Legal Aid Western Australia
Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
Office of Multicultural Interests, Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Interests
Office of the Public Advocate
Older People’s Rights Service
Public Trustee
WA Police
The Western Australian Local Government Association