OPAN’s free Planning for Diversity workshop series addresses barriers for older people who would like to access aged care services but are missing out.
It’s aimed at aged care professionals responsible for quality improvement, service planning and/or compliance.
This national workshop series is currently rolling out across Victoria and South Australia.
This three-part workshop series is available to all aged care providers. It employs local, evidence-based resources to help you understand what you are doing right, and what you can do better.
Successful diversity planning requires a whole organisation approach. Everyone plays a role – from the board and executive leaders to unpaid volunteers.
The design, delivery and evaluation of services is a crucial part of this process. That’s why our training is aimed at the people in your organisation who are responsible for quality improvement, service planning and/or compliance.
Planning for Diversity helps you to:
differentiate your service to better engage older people and families from diverse groups
identify and address barriers for older people in your aged care planning region who would like to access your services but are missing out
demonstrate you are working towards Aged Care Quality Standards and your commitment to the Charter of Aged Care Rights
identify specific actions and embed diversity within Continuous Improvement Processes