What is advocacy? web resource

An advocate provides you with the information and support you need for better aged care. 

Advocates walk alongside you throughout your aged care journey to ensure you are supported to make informed choices about your rights and services. You might be looking for support at home or considering an aged care home and need information about where to start.

Alternatively, you may already be receiving aged care services and need help or information to solve an issue.

OPAN helps tens of thousands of older people resolve their issues with government-funded aged care services each year. 

Older people, their families and carers often call us when they

  • are finding it difficult to access aged care services

  • have a concern about their aged care services

  • don’t feel like their aged care services are meeting their needs

  • want to make a complaint

Our national team of advocates is here to ensure your rights are upheld and your wishes are met, whether you are living independently at home or in residential care.