Safeguarding against financial abuse

This is a short brochure by Carers SA on Safeguards against financial abuse with tips on financial management and signs to look out for that you or the person you are caring for may be at risk, vulnerable, or may be financially abused. These include:

  • unpaid bills

  • missing documents, credit cards, bank statements, or belongings

  • unusual bank withdrawals or account activity

  • persistent requests for money, donations and financial investments

  • changes to Wills or legal documents without awareness or capacity to make financial decisions

  • feels pressured by demands of relatives for financial support

  • unexplained concerns, worry or confusion about finances, income, assets or property

  • lacks confidence and is dependent on others to make financial decisions

  • lacks information or understanding about financial and property decisions made by others

  • fears placement into residential aged care if relatives’ wishes are not complied with.