Older people experience sexual assault in residential aged care and in their own homes.
The problem of sexual assault is compounded by the lack of education for service providers. With limited knowledge about sexual assault, service providers do not fully understand the power they have to prevent sexual assault.
The #ReadyToListen project aims to build the skills and capacity of residential aged care service providers to better respond to and prevent the sexual assault in residential aged care.
We recognise the gendered nature of violence; most sexual assaults are perpetrated by men against women. However, the project will include women, men and Trans and Gender Diverse people.
The project will deliver education and resources, including an aged care Leadership Course, supporting aged care service providers through the practical steps involved in creating change.
The #ReadyToListen project has been funded by the Department of Health and is being delivered by the Older Person's Advocacy Network, in partnership with Celebrate Ageing and the Older Women's Network, New South Wales. The Project Coordinator, Dr Catherine Barrett, is the Director of Celebrate Ageing and long term advocate for prevention of the sexual assault of older women.