Online decision-making resource

This online learning resource from LaTrobe University is about support for decision making.  

It will present the first evidence-based framework to guide you through the process of supporting people with cognitive disabilities to make decisions. Using this framework will help you to enable the people you support to exercise choice and control in their own lives. 

Being able to participate in making decisions is a basic human right.

The foundation of current approaches to providing support for decision making are that everyone has the right to participate in decision making. 

People with cognitive disabilities, particularly those with intellectual disabilities or acquired brain injury, are likely to need support to make some decisions about their lives.

This resource has been designed for supporters of people with intellectual disabilities and people with acquired brain injury.  Supporters include: frontline managers, disability support workers, team leaders, clinicians, friends, spouses, parents and other family members. It can also be used by case coordinators, case managers, local area coordinators and ability linkers.

If you support a person with intellectual disability or acquired brain injury, this resource will be useful for you.