Low-risk AT for the kitchen

This resource explores simple, off-the-shelf products that can help older adults perform daily kitchen tasks independently.

It also provides practical insights for care professionals to effectively use these tools alongside other reablement strategies.

The ability to cook and prepare food is fundamental to a person’s overall health. Not only does food fulfil the basic human need for nourishment, but coming up with recipes, chopping ingredients, and other essential aspects of food preparation can also enhance:

  • coordination and fine motor skills

  • mental focus and problem-solving skills

  • confidence and sense of accomplishment

Low-risk AT is a reablement strategy, as it provides practical support for older adults to regain or maintain their confidence and capacity to do things for themselves.

This resource will also explore other reablement strategies that can be used alongside AT to help older people safely and confidently navigate the kitchen, including:

  • build capacity

  • modify the task

  • modify the environment

  • provide information

If you don’t know what ‘low-risk AT’ means or are unfamiliar with these reablement strategies, don’t worry – click the link to learn more.