Recent Royal Commissions and other inquiries have heard harrowing accounts of the abuse, neglect and exploitation of Australian adults, often at the hands of people they relied on for care.
In conducting the Adult Safeguarding Project, the Office of the Public Advocate aimed to identify opportunities to improve Victoria’s safeguarding laws and practices for at-risk adults.
It conducted desktop research and interviewed stakeholders from relevant agencies in Victoria and other Australian jurisdictions to:
identify current adult safeguarding reform recommendations and the background to these (including recommendations from the Australian Law Reform Commission and law reform commissions and their equivalents in Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Queensland)
explore relevant and recent adult safeguarding law reform and practice developments in other Australian jurisdictions
examine current and recent family violence reforms in Victoria and elsewhere, and consider their current and potential ability to meet the shortfalls identified nationally, and in Victoria, in the adult safeguarding field
analyse the operation of current adult safeguarding laws and practices in Victoria, including in the guardianship, disability, and aged-care sectors
develop recommendations for reform of the Victorian adult safeguarding system