What is specialisation verification framework?
Under the Aged Care Quality Standards and Charter of Aged Care Rights, everyone receiving government-funded aged care is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have their identity, culture, and diversity valued.
But some providers go above and beyond, tailoring their services, staff, and organisation to meet the needs of specific groups. These aged care providers can apply to have their specialised services independently verified against the My Aged Care Provider Specialisation Verification Framework (the Framework).
The Framework means that aged care providers must be assessed and verified before they can claim to provide specialised services for a range of special needs groups or diverse populations.
Why is it needed?
Everyone’s experiences and needs are different, and many older people have barriers to accessing care and support that understands and meets their needs.
For many older LGBTI+ people who have lived through periods of discrimination and social stigma, and whose knowledge and experiences of mainstream services and supports may be complex, being able to demonstrate LGBTI+ awareness, welcome and inclusion may enable them to confidently and safely access the care and support they need as they age.
The verification process recognises that the needs of individuals and communities differ. The Framework is not prescriptive about how an aged care provider delivers its services. Rather, it serves as the basis for assessing how they meet the needs of older people with diverse needs and experiences.