LGBTI+ Seniors updated services and supports

Click on the link below to find updated services information and a list of supports for LGBTI elders and people providing care to LGBTI elders.

There are national and state government schemes which include the following:

Visitor Schemes

These visitor schemes are social support programs that provide LGBTI elders with visitors to reduce social isolation or loneliness.

They include:

National LGBTI Community Visitors Scheme

New South Wales: ACON Community Visitors Scheme

Queensland: QUAC LGBTI Seniors Community Visitors Service

Victoria: Switchboard Out & About Community Visitors Scheme

Victoria: Rainbow Connection

Western Australia: Umbrella Multicultural Community Care

South Australia: COTA SA #ReframingAgeing

Mentoring and Support

You'll also find mentoring and support programs like Alice's Garage, Uniting Communities Bfriend, GRAI and more.


Explore the services of the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN). OPAN offers free, independent and confidential services that support older people and their representatives to raise and address issues relating to Commonwealth funded aged care services. OPAN members are based in every state and territory.