This resource aims to support ageing and aged care services to become culturally-safe and inclusive for older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people.
Using the six Rainbow TickTM standards for LGBTI-inclusive practice as a framework, this review tool outlines key considerations for working with older LGBTI people, including auditing systems, processes, documentation and service planning and delivery.
The tool will help you to identify achievements and gaps in your current practice, to facilitate continuous improvement in the delivery of safe and inclusive care and support for LGBTI people, and to meet your obligations under the Aged Care Act 1997.
On completion of the review, you should have a clear set of actions to improve the delivery of culturally-safe, welcoming, and inclusive services and support to older LGBTI people, as well as a safe and inclusive environment for your LGBTI staff and volunteers.