The Financial Safety website is aimed at people, especially women, concerned about finances in their relationship and people concerned about someone they know.
Some of the issues covered include:
economic and financial abuse
joint bank accounts
home loans
online banking
credit reports
debts and bankruptcy
going guarantor
rent and tenancy
borrowing money
The website includes a national Directory of Services across a range of categories that may be able to assist people navigating economic abuse and the many associated challenges. Categories include:
debt help
financial assistance
victim services
indigenous services
LGBTIQA+ services
There is also a section covering some of the Tools, Apps, and Guides that can support people with their finances. This includes links to resources for people who want to:
gather evidence
learn about Family Law
separate from their partner
leave an abuser
improve their financial wellbeing
While the site is aimed at women, it includes information that is relevant to anyone experiencing abuse from a partner, family member or other member of the household.