Senior woman and carer walking

Walks Against Elder Abuse Tasmania

Published: 2 June 2022
  • tas
  • 2 June 2022
  • COTA Tasmania

One in six Australians aged 65 or over living in the community are abused every year. If this appals you, help COTA Tasmania make it stop. Join a Walk Against Elder Abuse in Burnie, Launceston or Hobart on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15 June.

Every year on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, families, students, community members, workers and volunteers unite to raise awareness of elder abuse and the ageism that drives it.

Ageism makes it seem okay to ignore older people, and this can have terrible consequences. If older people are ignored and undervalued, it is more likely others will turn a blind eye to elder abuse.

Older people have the right to live with dignity and safety, just like people of every other age.

To register for any walk, contact or ring 03 6231 3265.

The walks are supported by the Tasmanian Government, and all end with a free morning tea provided by our Council partners.

  • The Burnie walk starts in Wilmot Street across the road from the cinema. Gather at 9.45am for a 10am start.

  • The Launceston walk starts in Civic Square. Gather at 11.15am for an 11.30am start. (Please note new start time for Launceston walk.)

  • The Hobart walk starts in the Elizabeth Street Mall. Gather at 9.45am for a 10am start.