Senior couple in the garden smilling

`Walking the Talk' at the National Elder Abuse Conference 2022

Published: 16 February 2022
  • tas
  • 16 February 2022
  • Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is committed to reducing ageism and preventing elder abuse so that older Tasmanians are respected, protected and cared for in our communities.

Today, as Tasmanian Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, I joined the Commonwealth Attorney-General to help launch the 7th National Elder Abuse Conference, to encourage in depth discussion on law reform, health, advocacy and service delivery topics, across Government, industry and the community.

Hosted by Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) and the Council on The Ageing Tasmania (COTA), this year’s theme of ‘Walk the Talk’ will engage more than 300 in-person and virtual participants across Australia to progress the national conversation about ending the abuse of older people, whether this happens in an institution or in the home.

Almost one in six (14.8 per cent) of older Australians recently surveyed reported experiencing abuse in the past 12 months, and only about one-third of those people sought help.

The Tasmania Government recognises the ongoing need to raise awareness of this important issue, proudly supporting the Conference as a Gold Sponsor in addition to investing $1.76 million over two years to implement our Respect and Protect Older Tasmanians – Tasmania’s Elder Abuse Prevention Strategy 2019-2022.

We also recognise and support the important role COTA has as a peak body which advocates for, and supports, older Tasmanians to ensure their voices and views are heard.

We will continue to work alongside COTA as well as our vital community service providers to highlight the responsibility of everyone in the community to look out for our older neighbours, friends and relatives, and partners, through initiatives such as the Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline, advertising campaigns, and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day activities.

In addition to peak body funding, COTA Tasmania also receives funding to deliver actions under our comprehensive whole-of-government Strong Liveable Communities: Tasmania’s Active Ageing Plan 2017-2022 strategy, as well as $125,000 to review this plan and ensure this continues to support older Tasmanians and enable them to participate at all levels of our community.

Anyone experiencing elder abuse in Tasmania is encouraged to call the Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline on 1800 44 11 69.

Further details about the Conference may be found here: