Seniors and Ageing Minister Don Punch has today announced the development of Western Australia's first Seniors Strategy at WA Seniors Week's premier event, 'Have a Go Day'.
The WA Seniors Strategy 2022-2032 will set out the WA Government's 10-year plan to support older people, and harness the opportunities and address the challenges of WA's ageing population.
The Department of Communities will lead the development of the 10-year strategy which will include State-wide consultation to ensure the views of as many seniors as possible are captured.
Central to the strategy's development will be the voices of seniors and what is important to them. Carers, families, community services providers, peak bodies, and WA State and local government agencies are all encouraged to participate in the consultation process.
The whole-of-government strategy, which is expected to launch in late 2022, will include a series of two-year action plans that will connect, co-ordinate and evaluate activities across State Government agencies.
While many existing whole-of-government initiatives support older people through the provision of a range of services in a range of areas, WA does not yet have a cohesive single vision and plan to support and promote seniors, activate community action and drive change.
The strategy will aim to support older Western Australians of all backgrounds to live their best life as they age.