Twenty-one (21) members of the COTA (WA) Seniors Sector Partnership attended an update of the ‘WA Seniors Strategy’ by the Hon. Don Punch MLA, Minister Seniors and Ageing.
The Department of Communities conducted or received feedback from over 2,000 formal consultations with the sector stakeholders and older Western Australians. They are conducting further in-depth consultations with older First Nations communities in rural and remote areas of WA. They are also interfacing with people living with a disability including people impacted by Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Key themes from consultations include wanting easy access to relevant information, a one-stop shop that brings together access to information and services (government and non-government agencies) for older Western Australians including those from CaLD backgrounds, LGBTI communities and First Nations people which is unique in Australia; accessible transport and home care services for regional remote areas; access to on-site ageing with choice options; infrastructure for reliable and accessible digital services and technology devices and support for digital literacy including for those people living with a disability; events and activities to provide social connectivity diminishing social isolation and accessible physical activities to promote mobility and health; practical support for the impact of the higher cost of living; age friendly community infrastructure; and government supported educational awareness campaign/s directed to combating ageism, elder abuse and generating greater respect for First Nations people.
The Minister wants to highlight the milestones of ageing and promote awareness which would have all generations taking action to prepare for a healthy, active and engaged lives.