The 7th Annual Elder Abuse Conference took place recently after two years, due to the pandemic. Snippets from talks that took place over the conference have been highlighted on SBS News Radio. key speakers that are represented include commentary by:
Robert Fitzgerald – Ageing & Disability Commission
Natasha Short – Kimberley Jiyigas
Anna Bligh – Australian Banking Association
Brenda French – Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Mary Patetsos – Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia
Peta Cook – University of Tasmania
Mala Shakardass – sociologist, gerontologist and health social scientist
Natasha Short has called for more action to be taken regarding elder abuse in the Kimberley region:
We need to make the time for staff to be trained properly
Invest in aged care facilities
Empower elders to know how to do simple jobs for themselves such as train them to use an ATM without asking family for help.
People are being assaulted, physically assaulted … sometimes to escape they [older people] are hiding away from family. Admitting themselves into short stays away from family to have respite away from family members who are asking them for money” - Natasha Short
These radio snippets also reference and summarise the recent Prevalence Study on Elder Abuse which showed a jump in elder abuse. 15% of older Australians experience a form of elder abuse, with financial abuse being the fastest growing category of abuse in Australia. You can read more about the summary report here.
You can listen to the SBS News radio pieces here:
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