Seniors Rights Victoria's Planning Ahead project is an elder abuse prevention project with a primary focus on providing information and education on planning for the future and what steps older people can take now to ensure their decision making autonomy is maintained throughout their lives even if they were to become unwell or lose cognitive capacity due to illness. It’s about ensuring human rights are upheld and wishes are known should medical, lifestyle and financial decisions need to be made in the future.
We provide education in a variety of settings; face to face with community groups, seniors groups, worker meetings, networks and online.
A session can include information about making an enduring power of attorney, appointing a medical treatment decision and advance care planning. Sessions will usually also be with one of our lawyers.
The goal of the project is ultimately to reduce the instances of elder abuse and inform people about the services provided by Senior Rights Victoria for older Victorians.
Examples of the communities we would like to engage with include people in regional areas, culturally diverse communities, First Nations communities, migrant and refugee people and those from LGBTIQA+ communities. SRV acknowledges the intersection of disadvantage for these communities and wants to ensure that the right information and advice is available in appropriate and accessible ways.
We have been working with service providers and community organisations that engage with older Victorians in Ballarat. We are now in the process of connecting with community leaders, community organisations and service providers in Shepparton, Bendigo and surrounding areas.
Interested in knowing more? Visit our resources page here, get in touch using our helpline at 1300 368 821, or email for more information.