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New Portfolio: MP calls for Minister for Older Australians

Independent MP Rebekha Sharkie has introduced Private Members Business, calling on the Government to establish a portfolio and Minister for Older Australians.

Published: 9 July 2024
  • national
  • 9 July 2024
  • The Weekly Source

In a press release, Ms Sharkie explained that the function of the portfolio would be to:

  • demonstrate the Government's commitment to older people during a time in which Australians are expected to live longer lives, but with increased reliance on key services such as health and aged care

  • act as a conduit between Government and the community to better engage with older people on matters which concern them

  • ensure Government services are accessible and inclusive for all

  • champion our older Australians and shift the narrative of older people as vulnerable and in need of support (a 'burden') to more positive aspects of ageing and the contribution older people make to the economy and society

  • work with older people and the sector to address key issues including age discrimination, elder abuse, social exclusion and isolation, homelessness, access to and cost of health care, and financial stress

  • recognise that older people helped to build our nation and continue to represent some of our greatest assets