Senior man using a computer

National Seniors Social Survey

Published: 8 February 2022
  • national
  • 8 February 2022
  • National Seniors

Your answers to this survey will assist National Seniors to advocate for older people on issues that affect them to key Government and policy advisors.

Throughout this survey, you are given the opportunity to type free-text responses, but this is completely optional. For all topics, you may skip any question you do not feel comfortable answering.

If you take a break during the survey, please keep it open on your computer. This way you can return to wherever you stopped. Every time you press the 'Next' button, your answers are saved, so you don't need to start all over again if you close the survey.

The survey contains the following sections:

  • About you

  • Your work and retirement arrangements

  • Quality of later life

  • Thinking about later life

  • Money matters

  • Current issues

At the end, we ask if you’d like to be involved in any follow-up surveys by email or phone. You do not have to leave your personal details if you don’t want to.

This survey has National Health and Medical Research Council endorsed ethics approval. Your responses are confidential and not linked to your membership details. Any contact information you provide will be separated from your responses.